Grants & awards
- Swedish Research Council (VR) Project Grant. Project title: “Earth’s past environmental crises: the role of Large Igneous Provinces and sedimentary basins” (Principal Investigator: Deegan), 2019 – 2022. Total awarded: 3.2 MSEK.
- “Lika villkor” funds from Uppsala University to support EPMA and SIMS analysis, 2017. Amount: 82 kSEK.
- Jan Bergström Young Geoscientist Award 2016. Awarded by the Geological Society of Sweden. Description here (in Swedish) and here (also in Swedish).
- Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) grant to support a research collaboration with Prof. C. Harris (University of Cape Town, South Africa), 2016 – 2019. Amount: 307 kSEK.
- Swedish Polar Research Secretariat grant to support field work in the Canadian High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP), July 2015. Amount: 30 kSEK.
- Bureau of Natural Resources of Canada (NRC) to support field work in the Canadian HALIP, July 2015. Amount: 1.2 MSEK (to Deegan, Troll, Bédard).
- Mourne, Cooley, Gullion geotourism grant to support field work and analysis in the Mourne Igneous Complex, N. Ireland, UK, March 2015. Amount: 130 kSEK (to Deegan, Troll, Burchardt, Geiger, and Mattsson).
- Swedish Research Council (VR) Young Researcher Grant to support research and analytical work at several European Earth Science institutes as well as one in South Africa (Principal Investigator: Deegan), 2014 – 2019. Amount: 3.5 MSEK.
- “Gender balance” funds from Uppsala University to support young female researchers, 2014-2015. Amount: 650 kSEK.
- Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (KVA) grant to support analytical work at CNR Pisa and NRM Stockholm, 2013. Amount: 50 kSEK.
- Swedish Research Council (VR) Post-doctoral Fellowship to support post-doctoral research at the NordSIM laboratory at NRM Stockholm, Sweden, 2011-2013. Amount: 1.7 MSEK.
- KVA grant to support analytical work at the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) Rome, Italy and Scripps Institute of Oceanography, USA, 2011. Amount: 55 kSEK.
- Geochemical Society travel grant to attend the Goldschmidt conference in Davos, Switzerland, 2009. Amount: €500.
- Wallenberg travel grant to attend the Goldschmidt conference in Davos, Switzerland, 2009 and the short course “Melts, Glasses, Magmas” at LMU Munich, Germany. Amount: 8000 SEK.
- KVA grant to support travel and analytical work in the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, 2009. Amount: 27000 SEK.
- Trinity Trust travel grant to attend the European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting in Vienna, Austria, 2008. Amount: €450.
- Julian Boldy Bursary and Dave Johnston Memorial grant to support Ph.D. field studies, Department of Geology, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), 2007. Amount: €700.
- “Edge” prize in geology, TCD, 2005. Awarded to the 3rd year undergraduate student with the highest exam results in geology. Amount: €220.